Friday, 14 February 2014

Theories of Narrative

I have researched two theories of narrative which are theories concerning the structure of narratives. I wish to use these to create an interesting narrative for the film which I can reflect within my opening sequence as the aim of an opening sequence is to set up the narrative.

TZVETAN TODOROV'S THEORY - he noticed a repeating pattern in narrative and thus made the following theory:

Equilibrium - An existing state of harmony.
Disequilibrium - The equilibrium is disrupted by an even or "evil" character which leads to a chain of events.
New Equilibrium - The evil is overcome and the harmony exists once more.

This theory is basically saying that narrative is just a repeating pattern of harmony, disruption and harmony. This theory is true for most films and therefore we would most probably accept the fact that our film will follow this theory. The narrative set up in the opening sequence music appear to set up the first stage 'equilibrium' of the movie, this means it will have to start peaceful but still have a sense of foreboding for what is going to disturb this.

VLADIMIR PROPP'S THEORY - After studying Russian fairy tales, well know for their narratives dependent on characters to move the narrative along, he came up with the following theory:


THE VILLAIN - creates the narrative complication
THE DONOR - gives the hero something which helps in the resolution of the narrative
THE HELPER - gives the hero help to resolve the narrative
THE PRINCESS - has to be saved by the hero
THE DISPATCHER - sends the hero on his task
THE HERO - saves the day and resolves the narrative, sometimes he has been on a quest of similar
THE FALSE HERO - appears to be good but has been bad all along

This theory is stating that characters are crucial to move the plot along, as in our opening sequence we are only introduced to one of characters and it is unsure what genre she falls into from the small clips we get of her. From her innocent actions and vulnerability we are lead to believe she is the princess of the opening sequence, this helps to introduce the idea that she is going to have to be saved from a villainous character, setting up the story line for this to happen within.

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