Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Animated Title Sequences

Animated Title Sequences

With today's available technology we now have the ability to created animated title sequences. Although it costs a lot to create an animated opening sequence first impressions are everything and using a creative animated opening sequence helps to capture an audiences attention. To create a full length feature movie which is animated can cost millions of dollars, with the average budget of an animated movie being at around $180 million. 

Animation has recently become a very useful technique for movie directors as it gives them freedom to do what ever they like. An effective example of this would be the opening from Lord of War, "life of a bullet". This shows the production to use of a bullet, the director may have chosen to use animation to create this as it is substantially easier to film compared to the complex filming of the actual manufacturing of a bullet. This also helps to allow the audience to feel as if they have entered a whole new world which is very different to the real world.

However, if animation is not done properly, it can look messy and unrealistic. This is why so much money, time and labor is spent on animation. Animated films can take even longer to be produced than an ordinary film, for example Toy Story 3 took 11 years to come out, within this time they spent around half of that time creating the animation. It cost over $200 million to create. 

If given the option I would love to make an animated title sequence as it gives me the freedom to creatively do whatever I wish, however, given the fact we have an extremely minimal budget and no available equipment we cannot do this.

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